{ Hawthorne Ymir
Weaver of fanciful lies and colorful stories - nearly every word that escapes his mouth is untrue in some form... Except for those fed to the highest bidder.
Age: ??? (Appears mid - late 20's)
Nameday: ??? (9th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (June 8th))
Height: 6 foot 1.5 in (186.69 cm)
Gender: Nonbinary (He/They interchangeably)
Race: Veena Viera
Preferred Arms: n/a
Occupation: Information Broker, Escort for PBM Lounge
Strengths: Charismatic, clever, observant, resourceful
Flaws: Dishonest, aloof, avaricious, meddlesome
Hawthorne's case is a strange one: the oldest memory that they have is waking up in a bed in Frondale's Phrontistery, shortly after the Seventh Umbral Calamity. The healer caring for them at the time told them that they were found unconscious in the wilderness, just outside of the city, and brought to the infirmary to recover. They'd sustained grievous wounds to their head as well as the infusion of a dangerous amount of aether - more than any normal person should have been able to survive, according to the healer. In fact, it seemed to have had a noticeable and permanent effect on their physiology, the healer stated, and when a mirror was held up to their face, it was immediately apparent: their eyes now glowed faintly, with vertical slit pupils.When asked if he knew anything about himself or his current surroundings, the Viera could only shake his head. He couldn't even remember his name. His stay in the infirmary eventually resulted in a monumental amount of debt, but with no identity to tie it to, no one would be able to collect on it - and once the Viera was deemed 'well enough' to fully recover, he was 'released'... Or rather, kicked out of the infirmary for lack of payment.Finding themself in a large city with nothing but the simple clothes on their back, they quickly adapted to their situation - a talent that not many can boast of. Over time, they managed to claw their way up out of a life of squalor in Pearl Lane by selling the rumors and whispers that they overheard to those who would pay handsomely for them. Though they couldn't quite 'make a name for themself' seeing as, well... they couldn't remember their name, they could begin to gather knowledge in their new life, and find a new path. As they began to study and learn, they finally chose a name for themself from the books they read - Hawthorne, from a book about botany, and Ymir, from a book about mythology.Eventually, Hawthorne decided that his path forward was to continue in the occupation that he'd fallen into: selling the information he'd learned on important people. His adaptability allowed him to adjust his personality to nearly any situation, and find ins with nearly anyone he met. No one really knows much about who he really is... and in all honesty, he prefers it that way. He may have small flashes of memories from an earlier time, but he much prefers living in the present, and has not yet spent enough time around any one person to become very close to someone else.One of their most common haunts in the present is Pearl Lane, though they can be found nearly anywhere in Ul'dah, and sometimes in the other major city-states as well. As someone who needs to keep on top of the latest rumors, they're no stranger to travel, and their love for gil has no bounds - beneath it all, however, is a personal agenda that they have no intent of sharing with anyone else.
On the surface, Hawthorne is a smooth talker, easily able to fit into many situations and encounters with other people. They compliment and flatter easily, words slipping over their tongue as easily as food or drink. They move between conversations and groups with grace, and not much perturbs or disturbs them in life. They have the air of someone who's seen and heard it all, though never minds listening to another's troubles... He might as well put those ears to good use, right?If one spends more time around him and interacts with him often, they might notice they'll be perpetually held at arm's length. He's not eager to give up much personal detail about himself or his life, and is more likely to lie blatantly and wildly if asked directly. In fact, if he's asked the same question more than once, each response will be different! He seems to almost -enjoy- lying and making up stories, to the consternation of others around him. It's very hard to tell whether he's lying or being sincere, as years of practice have given him the ability to hide his 'tells'.When alone, or if they think no one is watching, they'll seem more withdrawn into their own thoughts. Their lack of memory is rather troubling and deep down, they worry that something (or someONE) is missing...
Recent Developments
Hawthorne, growing bored with lurking about alleyways in Ul'dah, applied for and scored a job as an escort! Why not come over and see him sometime?
A Familiar Sight
Hawthorne spends most of his free time walking the streets of Ul'dah, long and thin ears twitching to and fro to catch every word upon the air. As an information broker, one has to have information to broker, of course! He's also no stranger to travel and can just as easily be sighted in any of the major city-states of Eorzea. Perhaps you've done business with him in the past, as well?
Arcane Markings
Hawthorne's ashen skin sports a very distinctive set of tattoos, spreading from their shoulder blades down to their fingertips, and from their hips and the small of their back down to just above their furred knees. Those savvy in such an art may recognize that not only are their tattoos arcane in nature, but that they have been made with aether-channeling ink, and they glow very subtly in dim light. Why would an information broker need tattoos like these?...
Like You've Seen a Ghost...
Hawthorne might be a familiar face to those of the Arcanist's Guild in Limsa Lominsa - He was once an Arcanist and even studied Summoning, but on one fateful day he disappeared. It's been several years since Bahamut rained death and destruction across the land, so it's not unreasonable to assume Hawthorne was one of the many losses; of course, his current presence in the back alleys of the city contests that assumption.
(( Feel free to dm if you'd like to follow this! He would have gone by a different name back then ))
But Something Isn't Quite Right
Those with aethersight or sensitivities will notice that Hawthorne's aether is tainted - however, not with any particular aspect over another. Those who have said abilities, and have studied the Seventh Umbral Calamity in enough detail, will recognize this aether corruption as Astral... More specifically, like Bahamut's. Not only that, but if one gets up close enough, they might notice the odd shape their pupils have taken on. Viera don't usually have vertical slit pupils, do they?
Relationships... (wip)

Character Name
Character Name

Out Of Character...
Hello, I am Alex! Thank you for taking the time to read this page. Below are some important notes to keep in mind if you are interested in rp with me.
I am 21+ (actually over 30!) and I prefer to rp with others who are also over the age of 18
I live in the Central Time Zone of the United States
I can do either in-game or Discord rp, but I often work a lot, so Discord may be the easiest option
I am down for mature, dark, violent, or any other 18+ themes in rp; HOWEVER, my hard NO'S are: Noncon/dubcon/rape, suicide/self-harm, pedophilia/ddlg/cgl
Yes, I even rp smut, but I prefer to get to know my rp partners ooc before I do
I am very lenient on lore and some aspects of this character can be rather lore-bendy. If that bothers you, I am willing to work something out if you are still interested in rping with them.
Feel free to message me on my tumblr/twitter (linked below), send asks or DM's, whatever you like. I'm extremely anxious, however, and I apologize in advance if the conversation drops. I'm not very good at keeping it up.